China Merchants Energy Shipping (Singapore) Holding Pte Ltd (“CMES Singapore”) was established in Singapore on February 1995, and it’s a wholly owned overseas subsidiary of China Merchants Energy Shipping Co Ltd. As the gateway and platform in Southeast Asia, CMES Singapore is committed to the upstream and downstream of the shipping business, with core including ship chartering, ship building/repair supervision, marine service/offshore and marine products trading.
Over the years, in addition to providing high-quality and efficient marine services for the CMES own fleet. Ming Wah Singapore has also built long-term partnerships with Sinopec, PetroChina, CNOOC, Sinochem, ROSCO, Asia-Pacific shipping and other well-known companies.
今年6月是全国第23个“安全生产月”,招商轮船围绕主题“人人讲安全 个个会应急——畅通生命通道”
4月29日,招商局集团旗下招商轮船与卡塔尔能源公司(QatarEnergy)在北京就4艘27.1万立方米QC Max型超大LNG船舶签署长期期租协议。