Stay Tuned | World Maritime Merchants Forum Highlights
The World Maritime Merchants Forum is a prestigious international event in the shipping industry, orgranized and led by China Merchants Group.
The World Maritime Merchants Forum is a prestigious international event in the shipping industry, orgranized and led by China Merchants Group.
We’re soliciting good materials concerning CMG shipping and the Bund Nine from the public, in order to tap the historical deposit of China Merchants, promote the culture of CMG, and enrich the exhibits of 9 the Bund.
As we ring in the NEW YEAR, Xie Chunlin would like to extend his sincere wishes to you on behalf of CMES Shipping
CMESS held three successful livestreams at the World Maritime Merchants Forum The First World Maritime Merchants Forum (the “Forum”) was held successfully in Hong Kong on October 20. The Forum was hosted by China Merchants Group (CMG) in association with the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), and the…
近日,在招商局集团统一组织下,由招商轮船旗下BRITC ETRADE SOLUTION COMPANY LIMITED(简称 “BRITC”)公司开发和运营的“丝路云链”电子提单系统(BRITC eBL Platform),参与并成功通过了中国信息通信研究院(简称“中国信通院”或“CAICT”)第十一批“可信区块链评估测试”,成为首个通过该测评的区块链电子单证应用系统。
身处知识与信息高速更新迭代的时代,阅读不仅是一种休闲,更是个人提升自我、拓宽视野的关键途径。第29个“世界读书日”来临之际,招商轮船在全公司举行“书香伴航 共筑梦想” 共读活动,希望通过活动营造积极向上的阅读氛围。